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SaansCore GmbH
Wallstrasse 14
4051 Basel
Our Team
Susanna Cervià Serra
- Physiotherapist SRC Certified
- Specialization in Birth Preparation & Postnatal Gymnastics – Pilates Method – Physiotherapy in the Performing Arts
- Certification Low Pressure Fitness® Level 1, 2, 3
- Certification Field Birthcare BGB Switzerland
- Qualification in Myofascial Pelvic Floor Treatment
- Qualification in Proprioceptive Abdomino-Pelviperineal Procedure
- Language Español – English – Italiano – German
Susanna completed her education as a physiotherapist at the University of Vigo, Spain. Between 2012 and 2016 Susanna worked and gained practical experience in various private centres in the province of Pontevedra, Spain. She has used the techniques of Pilates in daily treatments and courses. In addition, Susanna has continued to specialize in physiotherapy for musicians – in 2015, she successfully completed the education in “Fisioterapia en Artes Escénicas” at the Centro de Prevención de Artes Escénicas in Barcelona. In addition, Susanna has attended additional studies dealing with controlled physical movement and posture. In 2016 she received the certificate for Posturology from the Xevi Verdaguer Institute in Barcelona. In 2017 Susanna completed the three course levels of Low Pressure Fitness® and specialized in Hypopressive Technique. Her courses are inspired by a form of training that is innovative in Switzerland. The hypopressive techniques are combined with Pilates, with a specific relationship to myofascial stretching, postural and respiratory re-education and dynamic nerve mobilization. The knowledge that Susanna has acquired in her professional career, the experience gained through practical applications and the competences acquired through continuous training form the basis for her daily work, in the course or also during consultations
The aim is to provide every patient with a holistic treatment in order to recognise individual needs and satisfy them in a targeted manner. I always try to offer You a holistic treatment that solves Your individual problems
Luisa Fernanda Torres Zamudio
- Physiotherapist SRC Certified
- Specialization in Occupational Health Management
- Specialization in Musculoskeletal, Neuromuscular and Cardiovascular Systems
- Specialization in Postural Exercises and Postural Hygiene in various Environments
- Language in Español – English – German
Luisa completed her training as a physiotherapist at the University Manuela Beltràn, Bogotà – Colombia. Between 2011 and 2012, Luisa completed a specialisation in Occupational Health Management at the University Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Bogotà – Colombia. Luisa has worked and gained practical experience in different private centres in Bogotà, Colombia. Luisa was the National Coordinator of Therapists for Manpower and Cryogas between 2012 and 2018. Among other things, Luisa was responsible for and managed the home oxygen and sleep apnoea programme. Between 2020 and 2022 Luisa worked for two physiotherapy practices in Basel. Luisa treated patients who needed physiotherapeutic rehabilitation and led various and led different back courses. The knowledge that Luisa has acquired in her professional career, the experience through the practical applications and the competences through the continuous training, form the foundation for her daily work, in the course or also in the consultation
Luisa Fernanda Torres Zamudio
- Physiotherapeutin (SRK Anerkennung in Prüfung)
- Spezialisierung in betrieblichem Gesundheitsmanagement
- Spezialisierung in Bewegungsapparat, neuromuskulären- und Herz-Kreislauf-System
- Spezialisierung in Haltungsübungen und Haltungshygiene in verschiedensten Umgebungen
- Sprachen Español – English – Deutsch
Luisa hat ihre Ausbildung zur Physiotherapeutin an der Universität Manuela Beltràn, Bogotà – Kolumbien absolviert. Zwischen 2011 und 2012 hat Luisa eine Spezialisierung in betrieblichem Gesundheitsmanagement an der Universität Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Bogotà – Kolumbien abgeschlossen. Luisa hat in verschiedenen privaten Zentren in Bogotà, Kolumbien, gearbeitet und praktische Erfahrungen gesammelt. Luisa war zwischen 2012 und 2018 Nationale Koordinatorin der Therapeuten für Manpower sowie für Cryogas zuständing. Unter anderem war Luisa für und Management des Programms für Sauerstoff- und Schlafapnoe zu Hause verantwortlich. Zwischen 2020 und 2022 war Luisa in Basel für zwei Physiotherapie Praxis tätig. Dabei hat Luisa Patienten behandelt die eine die eine physiotherapeutische
Rehabilitation benötigten und unterschiedliche Rückenkurse geleitet. Das Wissen, dass sich Luisa in ihrer Berufslaufbahn angeeignet hat, die Erfahrungen durch die praktischen Anwendungen und die Kompetenzen durch die kontinuierlichen Weiterbildungen, bilden das Fundament für ihre tägliche Arbeit, im Kurs oder auch bei der Beratung
Giulia Simioni
- Strength and Conditioning Coach
- Specialization in Pre and Postnatal Fitness – AFPA Certified
- Language in Italiano – English – Swiss German – French
Giulia completed her education as a Strength and Conditioning Coach at the Northumbria University in Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK in 2020. During her time in England, Giulia coached female athletes from the teen to the adult ages while competing at the international level in basketball. She then continued studying to receive her Specialization as a Pre and Postnatal Fitness Specialist. Giulia has worked with women during their pregnancy encouraging them to remain active while preparing for labor and rebuild joint and muscular strength in the postpartum period. She continues to improve her knowledge of fitness for pregnancy, birth preparation and regression and is working towards the title of FachFrau BirthCare